
  • Crystal

    We met Crystal on our second Friday out, she was sitting in the woods and shortly after meeting her she shared that she was feeling discouraged and hopeless. We sat with her and heard her story. We shared HOPE with her and told her of Jesus, the lover of her soul & the Savior of the world. We hugged and she wept, feeling so loved and seen. She gave her life to Jesus! We've since been able to give her a Bible and have run into her a handful of times and each time she is eager to see us, hug us and pray together! 

  • Chris

    When we met Chris at a tent encampment, he was experiencing severe back pain. We offered to pray for him and he was eager to receive. We laid hands and commanded the pain to leave, and he said "Oh my, I can actually feel it going, it's really leaving out of my lower back... its GONE!!" He was so excited that he pulled out a cbd stick he was just about to rub on his back prior to us getting there and said "I don't even need this anymore!". 

  • Sadie

    We met Sadie in an encampment where she has lived for 2 years. She has experienced severe trauma including the murder of her daughter. She shared her story with us and we spent time in prayer with her. She experienced some heart healing and deliverance from witchcraft in her family line. It was powerful and beautiful, we can't wait to go see her again and keep building relationship. 

  • Eric

    “Fruit is so nice, I am hungry and thirsty and this satisfies both, thank you so much.”

    Eric received prayer as well and the Lord touched him powerfully, delivering him from addictions and filled him with the Holy Spirit.

  • Jersey

    We met Jersey at the motel. He doesn’t actually live there, but was there to give someone a ride to the grocery store. We discovered that he is currently living out of his truck and is struggling significantly. He was helping someone else out, all while being extremely close to getting his car (which is his shelter) repossessed. We talked to him for a long time, prayed with him, gave him a Bible, and got his contact information. After outreach, our volunteers were processing and we decided we wanted to do more for him! Two of our volunteers decided to raise money to pay his car note - $980 was raised! We were able to pay FOUR car payments for him!

  • A Welcoming Friend

    One day while we were out, it down-poured unexpectedly. A kind friend welcomed us under his tarp. It was literally all he had. We sat with him and chatted. It wasn’t a powerful God moment, but in a way, it really was. He demonstrated Jesus to us, welcoming us in like that.